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Dr Chris Dean, Chair

Chris is the Lead Stereotactic Radiotherapy Physicist for Barts Health NHS Trust in London. His experience commissioning their CyberKnife VSI led to leading this service, enabling delivery of high-quality SABR at Barts since 2011. He initially worked on the SABR Consortium QA sub-group before becoming Consortium Secretary in 2019.

Dr Rebecca Muirhead, Vice-Chair

Rebecca Muirhead initially led the implementation of SABR in Glasgow in 2008 after learning the technique in Amsterdam. She now leads the SABR service in Oxford which treats around 100 patients yearly. She treats primarily lower GI cancer and has a particular interest in SABR reirradiation. She has been involved in the writing of several national guidelines including anal IMRT and rectal IMRT and hopes to bring this experience to SABR guidelines. She is looking forward to using the collaborative nature of the consortium to collect data to further our knowledge and development of SABR.

TAG Lead, Dr Rush Patel

Rushil is the Lead SABR Physicist within the RTTQA group at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre. He has developed QA programmes for the commissioning of SABR/SRS in England in addition to multiple national and international SABR trials. He initially worked as a member of the SABR QA sub-group and has chaired the group since 2018. This group is now formally known as the Technical Advisory Group (TAG).

Guidelines Lead & Treasurer, Patricia Diez

Patty is a Lead Clinical Scientist for the National RTTQA Group, based at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre. She works on several SABR trials and is currently co-leading the SABR Expansion QA Programme. She joined the SABR Consortium QA sub-group early 2019, before becoming Consortium Guidelines Lead later that year and Patty became Treasurer of the Consortium in 2022. 

Dr Katharine Aitken

Katharine Aitken was appointed Consultant Clinical Oncologist at the Royal Marsden Hospital in 2015 and Assistant Honorary Faculty at the Institute of Cancer Research in 2017. She specialises in radiotherapy for Upper and Lower GI cancers and HPB tumours.  Her research interests include the use of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) for HPB cancers and the treatment of oligometastatic disease.  She is the Royal Marsden lead for novel developmental work investigating the use of MR guided adaptive radiotherapy for pancreas and liver tumours and co-lead of the NHS England SABR for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer program.

Dr Aidan Cole

Dr Aidan Cole is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist specialising in all aspects of treatment relating to prostate cancer from early disease through to advanced metastatic disease. He is an academic researcher in Queen’s University Belfast dedicated to improving treatments for men with prostate cancer through research and clinical trials. 

Dr John Conibear

Dr. John Conibear graduated from the University Hospital of Wales in 2001 and completed his post-graduate general medical training within the Barts and The London training rotation in 2006. Following this, he undertook a two-year fellowship with the NCRI Radiotherapy Trials Quality Assurance Group at Mount Vernon Hospital, where he conducted research into improving clinician target delineation in radiotherapy planning. In 2014, Dr. Conibear was appointed as a Consultant Clinical Oncologist at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, where he now serves as the Clinical Director for Thoracic and Neuro-Oncology.

Lisa-Jane Conway

Lisa is based at the Royal Surrey County Hospital where she is the Operational Manager Radiographer for treatment and stereotactic. Lisa became a member of the SABR Committee in 2021. 

Aileen Duffton

Aileen Duffton is Lead Research Radiographer working at the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow, UK. Aileen has a MSc in Advance Practice in Radiotherapy and Oncology (MSc APRO). She is currently a PhD student at University of Glasgow, interested in optimising stereotactic radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer. Aileen is an active member of the ESTRO RTT committee and has led work that increases the profile of advanced practice and research for RTTs.

Helen Grimes

Helen is the IGRT and Technical Development Lead Physicist at UCLH in London. She was part of the team to commission SABR delivery at UCLH, and now oversees the imaging and motion management aspects of the SABR service. She joined the SABR Consortium QA sub-group in 2017, and became a committee member in 2021.

Marina Khan

Marina is the Research & Development Lead Therapeutic Radiographer at Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. Marina manages the department’s clinical trials portfolio as well as coordinating the technical developments within the radiotherapy service. Lung SABR was first introduced at GSTT in 2010, and having been instrumental in its implementation, Marina now  leads on developing the SABR service at GSTT. More recently has implemented cardiac SABR and SABR for locally advanced pancreatic cancer. Marina has interests in IGRT, image optimisation, motion management and SGRT.

Dr Clive Peedell 

Dr Clive Peedell is Consultant Clinical Oncologist and clinical lead for Radiotherapy at the James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough. He specialises in the management of lung cancer and prostate cancer and has a major interest in the development of the Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR/SBRT) services, both locally and nationally. He was a founding member of the UK SABR Consortium and has worked with the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Radiotherapy to campaign for wider adoption of SABR services in the UK. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the British Thoracic Oncology Group (BTOG).

Dr Thomas Rackley

Dr Thomas Rackley is SABR lead for Velindre Cancer Centre and was responsible for implementing the oligometastatic and HCC SABR services for the population of south Wales. Now as a member of the SABR executive team he is responsible for providing a voice for Wales to ensure SABR developments are in line with NHSE commissioning policies.  

Louise Turtle

Louise is the Research and Development radiographer at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. She qualified as a therapeutic radiographer in 1999 from Cardiff University and more recently in 2012 completed an MSc in ‘Advanced Practice in Healthcare’ from the University of Liverpool.  Her areas of interest are in technical developments such as motion management, IGRT, cardiac avoidance, MRI in radiotherapy and also improving radiotherapy techniques, for abdominal SABR in particular.

Dr David Woolf

David Woolf is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist at the Christie in Manchester and co-leads a large SABR service locally. He primarily treats lung cancer and offers SABR to a number of metastatic sites (liver, adrenals and lymph nodes). David leads radiotherapy research nationally and internationally including trials looking at thoracic radiotherapy and SABR including on the MR-Linac.